Style Guide

Pro-tips: Paste this content into a dedicated page named “Style guide”. Convert each color style below to global swatches so they can be used in text, borders, backgrounds, and gradients. To do this, select a color style element, navigate to the Background Color section in the Style panel, edit the color, and add it as a global swatch.

Text styles

Quote large

TT Norms Pro Trial DemiBold 45px/135.0000023841858%


TT Norms Pro Trial DemiBold 20px/135.0000023841858%

Text Link

TT Norms Pro Trial DemiBold 20px/135.0000023841858%

Text Link

TT Norms Pro Trial DemiBold 20px/135.0000023841858%


TT Norms Pro Trial Regular 20px/135.0000023841858%

Block title

TT Norms Pro Trial DemiBold 24px/120.00000476837158%

Read more link

TT Norms Pro Trial Regular 16px/120.00000476837158%


TT Norms Pro Trial Regular 24px/135.0000023841858%


TT Norms Pro Trial Regular 16px/135.0000023841858%


TT Norms Pro Trial DemiBold 35px/120.00000476837158%

  • Onderzoek en analyse
  • Onderzoek en analyse
  • Onderzoek en analyse

Color styles

Skin - #FBD9A9

Blue - #0D1674

Orange - #FF8039

Brown - #4D0400

White - #FFFFFF